Tuesday 22 February 2011


Do you have any pets?
of coz la de an . ske sgt !

What color shirt are you wearing? 
i'm not wearing any .

Name three things that are physically close to you: 
fone , earphone , laptop .

What is the last book you read? 
cosmopolitan magazine ^^

Are you or were you a good student? 
ahaha ntah , tnya cikgu ak tp jwapan nya musti tk :) 

What's the weather like right now? 

err sungguh panehh 

Who tells the best jokes? 
for sure zizan raja lawak <3

What was the last thing you dreamed about? 
tah,, haha .  

Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? 
cmpom bersepah punya , bhaha

Do you believe in karma? 
what goes around come around ? YES . 

Do you believe in luck? 
kalau secara tibe tibe ak dpt 10 juta , ak akan prcaya .

Do you collect anything? If so, what? 
magazine !!

Are you proud of yourself? 
for what ? i'm nothing .

Are you reliable? 
err , boleh . klau anda baek dgn saia .

What's your favorite food? 
semua mkanan ak telan jah :D

Have you ever had a secret admirer?
mana nk ada , sapa lah yg nk admirer ak . bhaha

Do like to draw?
leyh la .. -,-

Is your room messy? 

pnh tgk kandang babi ? haa mcm tuh laa .

What do you like better: oranges or apples? 
of coz la apple !!

Do you give in easily? 
klau bnda yg ak btolL btolL nk , ak tk kn putus asa .

Are you a good guesser?
mula2 ak rasa farid kamil yg ak suka , rupe rupe nye muhamad allif  <3 :')

Are you a bully? 
eh tk , ak baek ^^ uhuuhuhu

Do you have a job?
yup :)

What time did you wake up this morning? 
pukul 9.30 coz mak ku kejot ajak p break1st .

What did you eat for breakfast this morning ?
 egg toast .

Do you have any nicknames?
ADDY :D haha *siyez neyh name kwn2 pnggil .

What's your least favorite color? 
pink n black !

Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? 
yes , my Daddy sayang :')

Would you ever go skydiving? 
nope ! lom sempat merase .

What toothpaste do you use?
haha , F&W . 

What's the last movie you saw?

What do you want to know about the future? 
bahagia kah ku nanti d smping c dy ??

What does your last text message say?
mie,,call d .

Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? 
org gila , dea salah number -,-

What's your favorite school subject? 
englishhhhh !

Would you rather have money or love? 
money , coz money is 'love' . right ?

What is your dream vacation? 
paris, new york, hongkong ~

What is your favorite animal? 
babi , ak slalu sebut :) oink oink .

Do you miss anyone right now? 
yes , my sygs :'( . 

Do you need to do laundry?
yes . dats my job

Do you listen to the radio? 
rite now ? ohh takk .

What's your ringtone? 
i whip my hair by willow smith

Who was the last person to make you laugh? 
c dummy (alem) .

Do you have any obsessions right now? 
nope , chukup dh ada 'dia' :)

Do you watch cartoons? 
c kuat makan (CHOWDER) .

Have you ever sat on a roof? 
yes , i lovee doing that

Name three things in the world you dislike: 
tah la

Name three people in the world you dislike: 
sume owg y ta suke ku, egt ku un ta ske kowg !

Do you like sushi? 

yes , shushi sedap :)

Do you believe in magic? 

tak , itu semua silap mata jah .

Do you hold grudges?
ak suka berdendam :)

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